City Ordinances

The City Ordinances are currently being transferred into a digital format and will soon be available online.

Code Book

Ordinance 2025-03 :  Amending Ordinance 2007-05 Regulating burning

Ordinance 2025-02 : Directing and ordering the seizure of property located at 211 Alford Drive

Ordinance 2025-01 with Amendmend : Establishing rules of procedure for the city council

Ordinance 2024-02 : Amending sections 1-3 of ordinance 2014-07 regarding residency requirements for police officers

Ordinance 2024-01 : Repeal and replace ordinance 2023-01 to establish rules of procedure for the city council

Ordinance 2023-05 : Repeal and replace ordinance 2019-03 establishing fees and penalties for the use of city parks

Ordinance 2023-04 : Authorizing and governing the razing and removal of 928 Central Avenue

Ordinance 2023-03 : Establish parking regulations by signage and collection of fines and penalties

Ordinance 2023-02 : Establish parking regulations by signage and collection of fines and penalties

Ordinance 2023-01 : Repeal and replace ordinance 2022-01 to establish rules of procedure for the city council

Ordinance 2022-01 : Repeal and replace ordinance 2021-01 to establish rules of procedure for the city council

Ordinance 2021-04 : Amending the water purchase contract between the city and Marion County Water District

Ordinance 2021-03 : Authorizing the city to remove or raze any buildings that have become dilapidated, unsafe, unsanitary, obnoxious, or detrimental

Ordinance 2021-02 : Providing guidelines and procedures for short-term rental residential guest house in areas zoned R-1 and R-2

Ordinance 2020-03 : Directing and ordering removal and cleanup of the buildings and improvements at 109 Brighton street, 903 Dam Blvd, and 237 Lakeview Ter

Ordinance 2020-02 : Repeal and replace ordinances 2000-05, 2000-06, & 2013-09 to establish policies and procedures for signs within city limits

Ordinance 2019-06 : Providing for the appointment of the city treasurer of the city of bull shoals

Ordinance 2019-05 : Changing the zoning of certain properties from R-1 to C-2

Ordinance 2019-04 : Extend the authority of ordinance 2017-05 amd 2-18-04 authorizing short-term financing for the wastewater systems improvements

Ordinance 2019-03 : Repeal and replace ordinance 2018-02 to establish fees and penalties for using city park facilities

Ordinance 2019-02 : Amending ordinance 2014-02 to establish new water and sewer rates for the city

Ordinance 2018-06 : Abandoning a portion of Aspen Drive

Ordinance 2018-05 : Issuing a sales and use tax and Water sewer revenue bond for betterments to the sewer system

Ordinance 2018-04 : Extending the authority of ordinance 2017-05 authorizing short-term financing for wastewater system improvements 

Ordinance 2018-03 : Repeal and replace ordinance 2006-10 setting the solid waste pickup fee

Ordinance 2018-02 : Repeal and replace ordinance 2003-15 establishing fees and penalties for park facilities, also repealing resolutions: 2001-R-07, 2017-R-04, 2017-R-05.

Ordinance 2017-07 : Vacating and abandoning part of Hillcrest Drive

Ordinance 2017-06 : Transfering uniformed employees to LOPFI

Ordinance 2017-05 : Authorizing short-term financing for wastewater system improvements

Ordinance 2017-03 : Issuing bonds to finance a portion of sewer improvements, creating a 1% sales and use tax

Ordinance 2016-07 : Authorizing the police department to collect fines for ordinance violations

Ordinance 2016-06 : Special election to apply a 1% sales and use tax within the city

Ordinance 2016-05 :  Applying a 1% sales and use tax within the city

Ordinance 2016-03 : Adopting inter-local agreement between Bull Shoals and Lakeview

Ordinance 2016-02 : Repeal amd replace ordinance 2004-04 providing a bow only deer hunt within the city limits

Ordinance 2015-04 : Repeals and replaces ordinance 2001-06 creating a water depreciation fund and maintenance fees

Ordinance 2015-03 : Permitting municipal employees and officials to conduct business

Ordinance 2015-01 : Repeal ordinance 2014-03 and 2014-09, and reinstating ordinances: 99-07, 2009-03, 2009-09, and 2012-07

Ordinance 2014-08 : Repeal and replace ordinance 2012-05 whic amended ordinance 95-03

Ordinance 2014-07 : Repaling chapter 2.28.07 (Ord 2006-01) relative to police officers being required to live within the corporate limits of Bull Shoals within 60 days of hire

Ordinance 2014-06 : Amending ordinance 2001-03 changing the planning jurisdiction of the City of Bull Shoals

Ordinance 2014-05 : Designate the district court clerk responsible for the collection of fines

Ordinance 2014-04 : Outlining the basic duties of the district court clerk and the deputy district court clerk

Ordinance 2014-02 : Amending ordinance 2010-01 to establish new water sewer rates

Ordinance 2014-01 : Amending zoning code to encourage commercial businesses

Ordinance 2013-09 : Amending ordinance 2000-05 regulating signs

Ordinance 2013-08 : Setting water sewer deposit fees for homeowners and renters

Ordinance 2013-07 : Establish city hall and surrounding property as a smoke free campus

Ordinance 2013-06 : Amending chapter 6.04.12 relating to animal impoundment fee

Ordinance 2013-05 : Establishing a drug-free workplace

Ordinance 2013-03 : Establishing violations and penalties for the act of theft/damage of city services

Ordinance 2013-02 : Authorizing the Mayor or their representatives the ability to sign checks over $10,000 but not to exceed $15,000.

Ordinance 2013-01 : Amending the water sewer monthly billing to have late fees

Ordinance 2012-07 : Amending ordinance 2009-04 to allow 80 hours of vacation to roll over per year

Ordinance 2012-06 : Amend Recorder/Treasurer job description to remove court related responsibilities 

Ordinance 2012-04 : Authorizing improvements to the water sewer system and acquiring a revenue bond to finance construction

Ordinance 2012-03 : Amending ordinance 2004-04 (Deer hunt) to occur every year instead of every other year

Ordinance 2012-02 : Establishing violations and penalties for acts against and or related to the operation of the Bull Shoals Fire Department

Ordinance 2012-01 : Establishing Bull Shoals Volunteer fire department and establishing rules/procedures

Ordinance 2011-03 : Requiring written permission by the Mayor for the use of Police department, Fire Department, or City Logos

Ordinance 2011-01 : Rezoning 103 Lakeland from R-1 to R-2

Ordinance 2008-02 : Requiring premises to be kept free from weeds, rank grass, garbage, rubbish and other unsightly or unsanitary articles. 

Ordinance 2003-18 : Establishing animal control and licensing requirements for dogs and cats.